Why should the holy cross be celebrated on the 3rd of May?
Because it is the day in which all the earthly energies unite in the cosmos forming a giant magnetic cross, this cross is precisely the one that causes lots of thunderstorms. Some people has the capacity to observe this. It should be taken into account that it is an important date for Kabbala and other occult traditions. The cross has an extrodinary magnetism. Without knowing, when you make the symbol of the cross you are protecting your self and channeling your energy. It is similar to when your parents or priest bless you by making the cross, they are giving you a net that will protect you from any harm.
What should we do on this day?
- Make a meeting of 2 or more people, the bigger the group the better as human energy works effectively when people works together, any wish you desire would come into effect easier.
- Before making this prayer, you should make a cross out of wood, the wood should be found near your home; put the cross near food grains so you will have abundance in your house for 1 full year.
- Time is not important, however 9am or 3 pm would be ideal for the rite.
- Must have a container to put all your wishes
- Every person should write or draw in a paper all that he or she wants to obtain in the coming year. Nobody should look at your drawin or letter, avoid looking at others paper as their wishes wont happen and it will be so for you.
- One person must lead the 1000 jesus prayer, making the symbol of the cross, to which people will respond in chorus jesus 10 times. The person that leads the prayer should say: Satan do not count with me as i will name jesus name 1000 times.
- The prayer must be prayed by 20 times as if it was a rosary. Once the prayer is finished insence should be placed in the container to burn the paper in which people wrote their wishes or future plans. The unconscious in a conscious state deposits energy through our hands all the drawings and writtings which will reach this phenomenon of the holy cross. Being a day in which all energies unite, once we burn these papers, all our drawings and writtings will take effect slowly until each one takes effect.